Tuesday, January 10, 2006

GW Bush as a Dry Drunk

GW Bush as a “Dry Drunk”
I’ve recently been thinking about President George W. Bush as a “dry drunk.”  The term, used among alcoholics in AA refers to someone who has stopped drinking but has continued to exhibit the psychological traits associated with alcoholism.  Here’s a LINK to an interesting article by Katherine van Wormer which provides some analysis of GW from that vantage point.  And another LINK to an article on the same topic by Alan Bisbort, a columnist for the Hartford Advocate and published in the American Politics Journal.   In her summary, Ms. Van Wormer writes:    To summarize, George W. Bush manifests all the classic patterns of what alcoholics in recovery call "the dry drunk". His behavior is consistent with barely noticeable but meaningful brain damage brought on by years of heavy drinking and possible cocaine use. All the classic patterns of addictive thinking that are spelled out in my book are here: the tendency to go to extremes (leading America into a massive 100 billion dollar strike-first war); a "kill or be killed mentality;" the tunnel vision; "I" as opposed to "we" thinking; the black and white polarized thought processes (good versus evil, all or nothing thinking). His drive to finish his father's battles is of no small significance, psychologically.
If the public (and politicians) could only see what Fulbright noted as 'the pathology in the politics'. One day, sadly, they will.
Scary, eh?

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